Transitioning Farmers

At FarmPower Distribution we understand that making the transition to organic can be scary.

With so many different variables at play it’s hard to figure out what is going to be the best fit for your farm during the transitional years. We work alongside some of the leading extension programs and additional organizations to bring you helpful links that point you in the right direction. No matter how big or small your farm may be, FarmPower  Distribution and the Organic community are here to help you. We stand behind our goal of what the future should look like; Sustainable & Successful for generations to come.

University of Minnesota: Principles for Transitioning to Organic Farming

Sustainable Agriculture Research Education:
Organic Transition, A Business Planner for Farmers, Ranchers and Food Entrepreneurs (Free E-Book)

Rodale Institute: Organic Transition Course (Free E-Book)

Sustainable Agriculture Research Education: Steel in the field (Free E-Book)

Practical Famers of Iowa: Organic Weed Control Video Series
